
Mission Exposure Trips

Ministry & Mission


The Alliance has a rich heritage of reaching out across the globe with the God News of Jesus. We believe we have a calling as part of the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations. Therefore, while we are passionate about connecting to our local community and reaching out within our own families, city and nation, we also want to create opportunities to reach out overseas.

Currently our short-term mission trips are done in partnership with Alliance Youth Australia and Heartfelt Hope, who offer a couple of trips each year.

More from 'Ministry & Mission'

Alliance Kids

Alliance Kids is our Kids Church or Sunday School Program for children aged 2 through to 12 years. Alliance Kids runs during our morning church services during school terms. Here, children will learn and discover relevant Bible truths that they can apply to their lives. Using age appropriate worship, stories and activities we aim to support parents and help lay a spiritual foundation that lasts a lifetime.

Each Sunday you will need to sign your child/ren by following the link below.

Sign In Form


Impact Youth

Impact Youth strive to create a fun and enjoyable environment in which young people can explore and grow their relationship with Jesus. It is a safe place to connect with other young people and leaders, and be supported as they journey through life and grow in spiritual maturity.

Impact Youth is for those in Grade 6 - 10

Imapct Youth meet on Friday nights at 7pm during school terms.


Kreative Kids Playgroup

As a church, we host a playgroup on Tuesday mornings during school terms. We have a structured program for play, music, storytelling and morning tea. Our playgroup is open to anyone in the community. Come and spend time with other parents, grandparents and carers while the kids have fun. Our Playgroup is run by a wonderful team of volunteers and is one of the largest in the Canberra area.

Kreative Kids Playgroup is a partner of ACT Playgroups Associated.

Tuesdays 9:30am - 11:30am during school terms


Life Groups

Life groups are a great way to get to know people in the church family. It is also a safe place to explore the scriptures, to grow in your faith, build relationships and share about your life. Many of our small groups testify how the time of fellowship, focusing on God’s Word and praying for each other is a highlight of their week.

We have small groups meeting all over Canberra on a range of days and times.

If you are interested in joining a small group contact send us an email and we we be in touch.


Alliance Women

We are being called by God to be women of faith who live passionately for Him. Women who love, speak and act with wisdom and grace. We encourage and support women to role model Jesus Christ at home, in the local body of believers and into all areas of our communities.

We do this by being leaning on God, loving those around us, being active in church ministries and gathering together at our regular women’s Wednesday Bible study group, Saturday café gatherings and participating in special events throughout the year.

In our women’s ministry, we want to encourage women to be excited about the presence of God displayed in and through them to:

- Follow Christ with passion and live authentically

- Grow in spirit & truth

- Love those around them

- Be motivated to action & service

- Enjoy life as a community of women

- Have fun


Alliance Men

We are being summoned to be foundational men of God who live boldly for Him. Men who love, speak and act with wisdom and grace. We encourage and support men to role model Jesus Christ at home, in the local body of believers and into all areas of our communities.

We do this by being leaning on God, loving those around us, being active in church ministries and gathering together at our regular men's breakfasts and annual men's camp.

In our men’s ministry, we want to encourage men to be excited about the power of God displayed in and through them to:

- Follow Christ with passion and live authentically

- Grow in spirit & truth

- Love those around them

- Be motivated to action & service

- Enjoy life as a community of men

- Have fun


Prayer Ministry

We believe prayer is vital in the Christian life and for the life of our church. God is honoured when His people humble themselves and come together in prayer. Transformation occurs when we pray in line with God’s will.

We have regular times where people can come together and pray, and we have a prayer team who can pray with you and on your behalf in difficult times. You can contact them using the prayer request link on the toolbar.

Wednesday Morning 7:30am – 8:30am

Saturday Night 7:30pm - 8:30pm



As part of the Christian & Missionary Alliance worldwide, our passion is not just knowing and following Jesus, but helping others know and follow Him. This begins with those God has placed in our spheres of influence and flows to those in other cultures who are searching desperately for meaning, significance, security, and love.

We seek to exalt Christ by personally engaging in His mission, particularly with those who have critically low access to the gospel. As they respond, we pray that they will build Great Commission churches that will go to the remaining dark places of the world.

We are committed to expanding the reach of the gospel throughout the world by

- Establishing new churches and communities of faith

- Discipling new believers

- Training new generations of church leaders

- Providing critical medical care

- Broadcasting the gospel over the airwaves

- Helping those displaced by war and disaster

- Digging clean-water wells in drought-stricken areas

- Sharing the gospel with prison inmates

- Restoring broken marriages

- Establishing schools and hospitals

- Providing career training for the unemployed

The C&MA Australia is currently engaged in the following mission areas: Australia (Indigenous Ministries), Thailand, Japan, East Africa, Indonesia, Cambodia, Fiji, Bali and Papua.


Alliance Families

We believe strong family units bring stability to individuals and to our community. We have a desire for families as being a place for nurturing faith and fun. Seminars and workshops are often held throughout the year to support families as well fun events like going on a picnic, having a bush dance or hosting a movie night.

Here at Alliance we seek to cater for families by having a range of programs and ministries which suit all ages and stages of family life. These include Playgroup, Alliance Kids, Alliance Youth, Discovery Internship, Alliance Women, Alliance Men, small groups and more.


Worship & Creative Ministries

Worshiping the one true God should be at the core of who we are, what we do and how we live. For not only is God worthy of all our praise, God is honoured by our acts of worship and it ushers in His Spirit and brings change. Forgiveness, revelation, healing, victory, joy and peace are all outworking’s of praising God and worshiping Him.

Worship comes in many formats and we often use a number of them when we gather together. Prayer, communion, preaching and music to name some. We also regularly weave creativity through our worship services as another avenue to connect with God and allow His Spirit to speak to us.

We have a worship team who practice mid-week on Wednesday nights and then lead worship on Sunday’s.


Alliance Institute for Mission

The Alliance Institute for Mission is the official training arm of the Christian & Missionary Alliance of Australia, an evangelical church that has been in Australia since the sixties. Founded in 1971, the primary purpose of the Institute has been to serve the local church by training men and women for Christian ministry. Since 2007, we have partnered with the Australian College of Ministries (ACOM) in order to offer quality accredited training.

New Award - Master of Intercultural Ministry (MIM)

Designed with input from both missiologists and experienced Alliance missionaries, The Master of Intercultural Ministry (MIM) is an 18 month full-time (up to 4.5 years part-time) award that prepares the student for effective intercultural service. Whilst the call to take the gospel into all the world hasn’t changed, the ways in which we engage in mission continue to develop as new opportunities and possibilities arise. The MIM has been designed to provide practical engagement in key skills and knowledge to help students develop effective intercultural ministry practices for today. Connections with missiologists, current and past international workers and practical field instruction throughout the award will also assist in building key competencies for intercultural ministry. This focused award which is biblically grounded and theologically astute will prepare students for effective intercultural service wherever God may call them. Please see the attached brochure for specific details of the award.

Rev Dr Rod Russell-Brown has accepted the position of Associate Dean of the Alliance Institute for Mission. Rod will be directing the operation of the award and will be managing its day-to-day implementation. After 15 years as National President of the C&MA of Australia, Rod is well connected with the broader Alliance field and has already been connecting with Alliance workers from around world. I’m very excited about the potential for this new award to develop the next generation of Australian Alliance Missionaries



Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith. No pressure. No follow up. No charge.

Alpha typically runs sessions over eleven weeks. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone's welcome. Each Alpha has three key things in common: food, a talk and good conversation. Alpha is both for those who want to know more about Christianity and those who already believe in Jesus but want to grow in their understanding of Him.

We run Alpha at least once a year, usually on a Sunday evening.
