24 January, 2024

Love Offering 2024

Once a year we have an opportunity to give a love offering to God. It is appropriate that it is around the same time as Valentines day. It is your way of being thankful to God for all His blessings. This year our Love Offering will be on 11th February.

Some say that it should be directed to some project with some price tag, I don’t believe that is what it is about! It is a love offering between you and God given to Him through the church. This is not replacing your usual Tithe but an extra offering on top of what you would normally give. Generally, we give from our overflow, may this be a gift from your heart to God’s.

You can give in the following ways

- Direct Debit (with the reference Love Offering)

- During the service on 11th February (mark your gift "Love Offering")

- Clicking on the payment link to pay via Credit Card

2 Corinthians 9:7 Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

13 December, 2023

Update from the Melletts

12 December, 2023

Christmas Day Offering

The C&MA Australia would like to assist the Jaffray Theological Seminary, Makassar, Indonesia with our Christmas Offering this year.

Funds raised will go to the following:

- New books for the campus library

- Building a new girls dormitory

1 November, 2023

Christmas Hampers

We want to bless struggling families from Mt Stromlo High School & Arawang Primary Schools this Christmas.

Please mark your donations (cash or direct debit) "Christmas Hampers" or click on the payment button on the left.

Last date for donations is 3rd December

13 September, 2023


The team heading to Uganda have decided to participate in a walk-a-thon, to help raise funds to provide medical supplies and resources for the health clinics that they will be visiting. The team will be walking 60km over two days. So, if trivia isn't your thing, why don't you sponsor them in this endeavour? You can donate following the link.

29 August, 2023

Faith Promise 2023

We are a church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. We have a great heritage; rich in mission, both local and overseas. We are motivated by God’s Word which says, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matt 28:19).

In the C&MA, one of our greatest concerns is, that all people have the opportunity to hear the gospel.

We, as a local church, have our responsibility to reach this community here in Canberra. But we also have the opportunity and responsibility to share the gospel with people in other nations at the same time.

The Faith Promise for the Great Commission Fund has been our way of supporting our missionaries in the C&MA for over 100 years. We have taken the approach that we raise the support of our Alliance Missionaries as local churches and allow our missionaries to get on with and focus on the ministry to which they have been called.

Our Faith Promise is not related to our local church tithes or offerings. We would encourage you to consider making a Faith Promise which supports our Alliance Missionaries, The Alliance Institute for Mission and other ministries supported by the National Office. This is a commitment over and above your local church giving.

15 August, 2023

Notice of Annual General Meeting


The Annual General Meeting for the members of Woden Valley Alliance Church Incorporated

will be held on Sunday 20th August 2023 at 11:30am at

Woden Valley Alliance Church, 81 Namatjira Drive Waramanga ACT 2611

At the meeting, members will have the opportunity to:

- find out about WVACs Ministries and finances

- ask questions about the Ministries and finances of WVAC

At the meeting, members will be asked to:

- confirm the minutes of the last annual general meeting

- receive the reports of the leadership and ministries of the church

- elect elders

- elect deacons

- receive and consider the statement of accounts and annual financial report

- receive and consider the auditors report

- receive and consider the budget for the 2023/24 financial year

Amendment to Governing Rules

We will also be voting on an amendment to our Incorporation Rules. In February 2023, the Christian and Missionary Alliance of Australia changed its terms and conditions for Membership. These changes apply to all member churches and must be reflected in their governing documents.

You can download a copy of the AGM Report here

7 June, 2023

Notice of Special Meeting



81 Namatjira Drive, Waramanga ACT 2611

25th June 2023

during the morning service

for the purpose of electing the Nominating Committee for our upcoming AGM

9 May, 2023

Creation Ministries - Ron Neller

Ron Neller from Creation Ministries will be sharing with us on Sunday 28th May. Why don't you join us?
