7 December, 2022

Update from the Mellett Family - December 2022

7 December, 2022

C&MA Australia Christmas Day Offering 2022

This year, the C&MA Australia Christmas Day Offering is to help unreached people groups in partnership with the Sonapur Fellowship - Kolkata, India.

You can mark your cash or direct debit gift "Christmas offering" or follow the payment link below.

15 November, 2022

Update from the Mellett Family

9 November, 2022

Christmas Hampers 2022

We want to bless struggling families at Mt Stromlo HS and Arawanga PS. Please mark your donation (cash or direct debit) "Christmas Hampers"

You can also pay via credit card by following the payments link.

Please have your gift to us by Celebration Sunday - 4th December

11 October, 2022

Adopt a Box is Back - ONLY 2 BOXES LEFT

For those who wish to participate in this year's Operation Christmas Child but are unable to pack a box themselves, we have made available 20 pre-filled boxes you can purchase for $20 each. Click on the link on the left to choose how many boxes you want. You can pay via PayPal (you don't need a PayPal account just a credit/debit card) or via Direct Debit. The bank account details will be on the invoice.

13 September, 2022

Operation Christmas Child 2022

The mission of Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is to provide God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Shoebox gifts are blessing children with toys, hygiene items, school supplies and fun gifts, but also opening opportunities for the Gospel to be shared. Many of the children who receive shoeboxes are offered to participate in a 12-lesson discipleship program called The Greatest Journey. Children who participate in the program learn how to follow Christ and share Him with others. As they do, entire families and communities are transformed by the power of the Gospel, and churches are started.

More than 31 million children have enrolled in The Greatest Journey since 2009 and over 15 million children have made decisions to follow Jesus in more than 100 countries!

A simple gift-filled shoebox is making an eternal difference. Will you pack a shoebox this year and share the hope of Jesus with children all over the world?

As a church, the launch of OCC will take place on Sunday 18th September with the OCC box dedication on 30th October.

Start packing your boxes now! You can drop your boxes off at the church on a Sunday or at the office Monday - Wednesday.

13 July, 2022

Update from Edith Muruka in Kenya

Edith is "On Mission" in Kenya and Uganda.

10 March, 2022

Christian and Missionary Alliance Australia - Ukraine Appeal

We invite you to support our C&MA churches and workers in Ukraine as they live and minister the Lord’s grace in very difficult conditions.

1 February, 2022

National Church Life Survey

The National Church Life Survey is for Church attenders 15 years and over. It is an online form, although we do have some paper copies available on request, (only 10 available).

The online survey will be open between Sunday February 6th and Sunday 20th February.

The are 2 form categories:

- Church Attender (15+)

- Church Leader (Staff/Elders/Deacon)

Follow the appropriate link above and complete the online form in one sitting - it will take approximately 20 minutes.

The church code needed to complete the form is MA800100

One survey per person only please. For more information watch the video below or contact Antoinette in the office.
