9 May, 2023

Hope Tour - Israel and Jordan

Why are we going?

To learn more about the Bible, the life of Jesus and to understand the culture where Jesus lived and walked. This is a unique opportunity to have a spiritual, educational retreat to deepen your faith.

You can find out more information on Heartfelt Hope's Facebook page here

9 May, 2023

Transform Uganda

Is God calling you to be a part of a God adventure? Do you have a heart to share the good news of Jesus? Do you want to see God at work in your own life and the lives of others? Then perhaps you would like to join a team travelling into remote, rural, south east Uganda to be the hands, heart and feet of Jesus.

You can find more information on Heartfelt Hope's Facebook page here or contact them

12 April, 2023

Hands at Work Africa

George Snyman from Hands at Work Africa will be sharing with us on Sunday morning the 7th May

This is the same organisation that the Mellett family are working with in Zambia

3 April, 2023

Update from the Mellett Family - April 23

The Mellett's are staying in Zambia for a further 6 months. If you would like to support them financially, click on the GIVE button on the left.

7 March, 2023

Update from the Mellett Family - March 23

20 February, 2023

Syria-Turkey Earthquake Appeal

One week after the devastating earthquakes that hit Syria and Turkey, the number of those lost has risen to over 33,000. The C&MA is currently helping to get funds into Turkey through Alliance churches and partners, to help Alliance churches purchase aid so they can care for the victims of these earthquakes within their church buildings.

If you would like to make a gift you can give via the offering. Just mark your donation Earthquake Appeal or give online by following the payment link

15 February, 2023

Church Library

Did you know we have a church library up at the Mission Center? There are plenty of helpful resources for you to use or Christian novels to read.

Why don't you check it out?

15 February, 2023

Alliance Youth Australia Mission Exposure Trip to Indonesia 2023

Expression of Interest for the Alliance Youth Australia (AYA) Mission Exposure Trip to Indonesia.

AYA are forming a team of 15 members (18+ years) to join them on this amazing trip to Makassar, Indonesia. The trip will take place between 24th November - 5th December 2023. Participants are expected to make their flight arrangements and arrive at Makassar on or before 24th Nov. AYA will arrange airport pick up at Makassar upon arrival. The fee (TBA) for the mission trip will include food, accommodation, transport etc. for the whole period of stay in Indonesia. For more details, please contact Onny via email at or SMS to 0412 224 406.

On this trip you will:

a. Visit C&MA missionaries;

b. Engage in Evangelistic Activities / Kids Club / Bible Studies in a local church;

c. Build relationships with locals by helping them practice their English;

d. Share your faith with the locals;

e. Participate in language and culture orientation activities.

Register your interest here:

25 January, 2023

Love Offering 2023

Once a year we have an opportunity to give a love offering to God. It is appropriate that it is around the same time as Valentines day. It is your way of being thankful to God for all His blessings. This year our Love Offering will be on 12th February.

Some say that it should be directed to some project with some price tag, I don’t believe that is what it is about! It is a love offering between you and God given to Him through the church. This is not replacing your usual Tithe but and extra offering on top of what you would normally give. Generally, we give from our overflow, may this be a gift from your heart to God’s.

You can give in the following ways

- Direct Debit (with the reference Love Offering)

- During the service on 12th February

- Clicking on the payment link to pay via Credit Card

2 Corinthians 9:7 Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
