Join us for our Easter Service
Sunday 20th April
Fun activities for all the family
On the last Saturday of every month we head over to the Gungahlin Marketplace to minister to the local community.
Contact Ps Suanu for more details.
We meet weekly for pray on Friday evenings from 7pm
Contact Ps Suanu for more details
Our weekly Bible Study group meets online on Wednesday evenings at 7pm
Contact Ps Suanu for more details
Tithes, Offerings and Faith Promise Giving
There are many ways you are able to give to support the work at Covenant Life
You can give via direct debit. Our banking details are;
Woden Valley Alliance Church
BSB: 062 900
Account: 0080 3668
Mark your giving "Covenant Life" and ensure your missions giving is marked with the reference "Faith Promise"
You can also click on the Give button to the left to give via Credit Card
Suanu is married to Victoria, and they have four children and one grandchild: Tambari, Leera (married to Leo), Stephen, and Matthew. He attended Leiden University (the Netherlands) where he obtained a PhD in Linguistics, and Tabor College Adelaide where he completed his MDIV, with a major in Church leadership.
Suanu's passion is to advance the Kingdom of God, and he prays and hopes for revival in Australia, beginning in Canberra.
Suanu has lived, studied and worked in four different countries across three different continents. He loves soccer, and is a loyal fan of Arsenal (England), while also supporting Brisbane Roar and Super Eagles of Nigeria.
Covenant Life Alliance Church is a church plant that has been established in the northside of Canberra.
Gungaderra Homestead
10 Otway Street, Harrison (Off Mapleton Avenue)
Service times are 10:30am - 12 noon (meeting at 10am for prayer)
Ps Suanu Ikoro is excited to head up this new venture in Gungahlin