Once a year we have an opportunity to give a love offering to God. It is appropriate that it is around the same time as Valentines day. It is your way of being thankful to God for all His blessings. This year our Love Offering will be on 16th February.
Some say that it should be directed to some project with some price tag, I don’t believe that is what it is about! It is a love offering between you and God given to Him through the church. This is not replacing your usual Tithe but an extra offering on top of what you would normally give. Generally, we give from our overflow, may this be a gift from your heart to God’s.
You can give in the following ways
- Direct Debit (with the reference Love Offering)
- During the service on 11th February (mark your gift "Love Offering")
- Clicking on the payment link to pay via Credit Card
2 Corinthians 9:7 Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
This year's Christmas Day offering will be going to support the Prayer House in the Middle East. There will be an opportunity to give during both our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services. Alternatively, you can give via direct debit - please mark your gift "Christmas Day" or click on the Give button on the left.
The mission of Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is to provide God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Shoebox gifts are blessing children with toys, hygiene items, school supplies and fun gifts, but also opening opportunities for the Gospel to be shared. Many of the children who receive shoeboxes are offered to participate in a 12-lesson discipleship program called The Greatest Journey. Children who participate in the program learn how to follow Christ and share Him with others. As they do, entire families and communities are transformed by the power of the Gospel, and churches are started.
More than 31 million children have enrolled in The Greatest Journey since 2009 and over 15 million children have made decisions to follow Jesus in more than 100 countries!
A simple gift-filled shoebox is making an eternal difference. Will you pack a shoebox this year and share the hope of Jesus with children all over the world?
As a church, the launch of OCC will take place on Sunday 15th September with the OCC box dedication on 27th October.
Start packing your boxes now! You can drop your boxes off at the church on a Sunday or at the office Monday - Wednesday.
We want to bless struggling families from Mt Stromlo High School & Arawang Primary Schools this Christmas.
Please mark your donations (cash or direct debit) "Christmas Hampers" or click on the payment button on the left.
Last date for donations is 1st December
We are a church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. We have a great heritage; rich in mission, both local and overseas. We are motivated by God’s Word which says, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matt 28:19).
In the C&MA, one of our greatest concerns is, that all people have the opportunity to hear the gospel.
We, as a local church, have our responsibility to reach this community here in Canberra. But we also have the opportunity and responsibility to share the gospel with people in other nations at the same time.
The Faith Promise for the Great Commission Fund has been our way of supporting our missionaries in the C&MA for over 100 years. We have taken the approach that we raise the support of our Alliance Missionaries as local churches and allow our missionaries to get on with and focus on the ministry to which they have been called.
Our Faith Promise is not related to our local church tithes or offerings. We would encourage you to consider making a Faith Promise which supports our Alliance Missionaries, The Alliance Institute for Mission and other ministries supported by the National Office. This is a commitment over and above your local church giving.
The Annual General Meeting for the members of Woden Valley Alliance Church Incorporated
will be held on Sunday 25th August 2024 at 11:30am at
Woden Valley Alliance Church, 81 Namatjira Drive Waramanga ACT 2611
At the meeting, members will have the opportunity to:
- find out about WVACs Ministries and finances
- ask questions about the Ministries and finances of WVAC
At the meeting, members will be asked to:
- confirm the minutes of the last annual general meeting
- receive the reports of the leadership and ministries of the church
- elect elders
- elect deacons
- receive and consider the statement of accounts and annual financial report
- receive and consider the auditors report
- receive and consider the budget for the 2024/25 financial year
81 Namatjira Drive, Waramanga ACT 2611
30th June 2023
during the morning service
for the purpose of electing the Nominating Committee for our upcoming AGM
This is a season to intentionally slow down and connect deeply with God. For this to be meaningful it’s helpful to decide:
- what to fast from (avoid or minimise) and
- what to feast on (spend more intentional time on)
As a church we will be cutting back some programs so we can all spend more time to rest, pray and refocus.
FAST FROM: Think about what distracts you or takes up unnecessary amounts of time. You could choose to fast from: TV, Coffee, Multimedia, Sugar, Games, Meat, Magazines, Alcohol, Sports, Dairy, Extra Work/Overtime or Intimacy
FEAST ON: Think about what draws you closer to God and allows you time to be in His presence: You could choose to feast on: Prayer walks, Daily Bible readings and a Bible plan, Daily worship and praise, Creative Worship and Journalling, Praying and Listening to God, attending weekly Church Services, listening to Godly Podcasts, attending the Healing Rooms, Times of Silence, getting more Rest and Sleep, eating only Healthy Food.
- Your Bible
- Worship Songs
- Church Services
- Journal
- Healing Rooms
- Internet - Biblical Christian Content
- M:119 - Bible Reading & Teaching App
- Holy Bible (You Version) - Bible Reading & Verse of the Day
- Lectio 365 - Morning & Evening Bible Reading & Reflection Amen - Daily Reflection, Prayer & Rest
Alliance Youth Australia Mission Exposure Trip
Jayapura, Indonesia 2024
Expression of Interest at: https://forms.gle/m3vGNPryhoJy2S5t8
Expression of Interest Deadline: 31 May 2024